Author: Melissa

We recently caught up with Metro Computers Director and founder Tony Cascio for a quick chat about some of the things that are top of his mind right now.
Q: Can you talk about how Metro Computers and HP work together to deliver sustainable solutions to businesses?
“I guess from my point of view, we’re all here on the same planet and it’s up to all of us to do what we can to help make sure our world is looked after. And I’m proud to say HP thinks the same way. In fact, the industry as a whole is starting to take its responsibilities very seriously and sustainability and recycling is a big part of that.
That’s why we support the programs HP has in place. They help us help our customers by making sure old, unwanted computer equipment, monitors, PCs, printers, inks and toners, individual components and packaging are disposed of in the correct way as opposed to just throwing it all in the bin and adding to landfills.
We’ve also noticed that some of the large corporate and government departments are now actually requesting a sustainability plan in their tender response documents, so it’s something that I think all businesses will need to address sooner rather than later.”
Q: What are some other initiatives businesses can implement to reach their sustainability goals?
“Well, we’ve got solar panels on our buildings that already produce over 32 kW of energy and we’re looking to expand that and increase the existing solar panels across the roof of the new warehouse we’ve bought next door. Plus, we’ve looked at what we can do internally around the office and warehouse and gotten rid of all our paper plates, plastic cutlery and other items that aren’t sustainable.
One of the biggest challenges is the recycling of packaging material. There’s a lot of waste, and obviously we want to make sure we recycle wherever we can, which means re-purposing the boxes that products arrive in so we can also use them to ship products out in.
It’s just little individual things but, when you put it all together, everything we do to minimise the amount of waste we create has a positive impact.”
Q: You mentioned the new warehouse, tell us more?
“I thought you’d never ask. This is something we’re all really proud of. The building we’re currently in has about 580sqm floor space, which includes our offices and a pallet capacity of around 120. But demand keeps increasing, so we decided to purchase the building next door purely for warehousing, increasing our storage capability by another 180 pallets. We recently wrote an article about it for anyone who wants to learn more.”
Q: What does that mean for your customers?
“Everyone recognises that COVID has put increased strain on the supply chain and in some cases delays of ten to twelve weeks are not uncommon. The new warehouse means we can stockpile many more items so we’re ready to respond instantly. It gives businesses peace of mind, knowing what they need is just one phone call or email away.
It’s also one of the reasons we’re seeing more and more businesses look to us for stockholding agreements, where we order and carry stock specifically for them. They know that when they have a performance issue or see an end-of-life deadline approaching, we’re already one step ahead of them and have the right component or replacement product they need on our shelves.”
Q: What are businesses looking for right now?
“From an operating standpoint, it’s all about continuity. Remote working, COVID-affected supply issues and the chance to upgrade offices at a time when it causes minimum disruption have all had an impact on product availability. Overcoming the supply bottleneck is a real challenge, and one our new warehouse should help prevent in the future.
From a hardware point of view, we’re seeing a lot of interest in the latest HP Elite PC range. They’re beautifully designed and super powerful, and that’s proving to be an irresistible combination for a lot of companies.
And because we’re carrying stock and can deliver within a reasonable timeframe, we’re very happy about that too.”
Are you considering upgrading your devices? Get in touch with Metro Computers to learn more about the latest HP devices powered by Intel® and whether they’re the right fit for your business needs.

We’re excited to announce that we’ve expanded into a new warehouse right next door to our current offices. So, what does this mean for your business? In this article, we’ll walk you through the new facility and why it’s great news for you and us.
Meeting Increasing Demands
We pride ourselves on anticipating our customers’ needs and responding quickly—to continue to do that, we needed more space. The building we’re currently in has about 580sqm floor space, which includes our offices and a pallet capacity of around 120. But demand keeps increasing, so we decided to purchase the building next door purely for warehousing, increasing our storage capability by another 180 pallets.
More Stock Availability
Our new warehouse makes things much more convenient because now we’re even more of a one-stop shop. The last thing we want is for a customer to call us and say, “We’ve got five new staff starting on Monday, and we don’t have any notebooks for them. Can you help?” and for us to admit we don’t have stock availability. The new warehouse means we can stockpile many more items, so we’re ready to respond instantly. It gives our customers peace of mind, knowing what they need is just one phone call or an email away.
By increasing the amount of stock we carry, we can widen the range of products we can recommend. It also means we can ship items on the day they’re requested, giving us greater flexibility to deliver a better service for our customers.
Overcoming the Era of Supply Delays
With manufacturers and vendors still encountering supply delays of up to several months, it makes perfect business sense to partner with a company like Metro Computers that has the capacity to carry so much pre-ordered stock. By working with us, our customers can get their hands on the products they need many weeks earlier than if they were ordering on a back-to-back, need-it-now basis.
It’s also one of the reasons we’re seeing more and more businesses look to us for stockholding agreements. COVID has put increased strain on the supply chain, and there’s a shortage of certain components and products in the market right now, which means people are struggling to get stock, and lead times are pushing out to ten or twelve weeks in some cases. Companies with a stockholding agreement with us, where we’re ordering and carrying stock specifically for them, don’t have to worry about that.
A Better Setup for Stockholding Agreements
We’ve always had around 20 or 25 stockholding agreements in place, but the uncertainty caused by COVID has meant businesses are more focused on future-proofing. We’ve seen agreement numbers go up by 66% as companies realise it makes sense to be prepared. The more stockholding agreements you have, the more space you need to hold stock. So, that’s another factor that convinced us to expand our warehouse capacity.
Improving Business Continuity
Eliminating back-to-back ordering means there’s no break in business continuity. As soon as a business realises they have a performance issue or sees an end-of-life deadline approaching, we’re already one step ahead of them and have the right component or replacement product they need on our shelves.
For instance, if a customer is looking to upgrade their team to the latest HP devices powered by Intel®, they can be sure we can meet that demand because of our industry experience, understanding of our customers’ businesses and knowledge of their past ordering history means we can use our data analysis systems to predict what we’re going to sell three or four months down the track and order accordingly.
This is not just good news for our customers; it’s great news for us, too. By carrying stock and delivering within a reasonable timeframe, we’re winning new customers and adding new logos all the time.
How Much Stock Are We Holding Now?
If I look at the dollar value of the stock we’re holding specifically for our customers, it’s about $1.5 million. This is in part due to stockholding agreements because it means it’s been committed to in advance by our customers, allowing us to carry products on a larger scale. It also gives us the ability to respond quickly to critical situations.
How Our Warehouse Fits in with Our Sustainable Focus
We’ve always been committed to sustainability, cleaner energy, recycling and more efficient business practices. In fact, we currently produce over 32kW of energy from our existing solar panels. The new warehouse meant we could expand our solar panels across a larger area right next door.
We’re also enrolled in the HP Amplify program dedicated to reducing waste, disposing of equipment, toners and inks correctly and recycling packaging for monitors, PCs, printers and other office hardware. So, it’s all just part of doing the best we can for our world and our community.
Are you struggling with stock delays or want to upgrade your devices? Get in touch with our team to learn more about how we can help you get what you need faster.

The IT sector accounts for more than 2% of global emissions globally, equivalent to the aviation industry’s carbon footprint. With the continuous expansion of data centres and increasing number of devices, we can only expect this figure to increase over time. The world we live in today is only growing to be more digitally focused, rapidly developing the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing people to seamlessly collect and exchange data via wireless networks. Juniper Research estimates that the number of IoT connections will grow 130%, from 35 billion in 2020 to reaching 83 billion in 2024.
Here at Metro Computers, we refuse to turn a blind eye on the impact we have on the environment. We are dedicated to taking the steps to reduce our carbon footprint, like being part of HP’s Amplify Impact Program to improve our own sustainability performance. The HP Amplify Impact Program is a global structure that rewards partners for performance and collaboration as well as providing insight-driven tools to accelerate digital transformation.
Being an IT provider, we have become serious about recycling. E-waste is responsible for 70% of the toxic chemicals such as lead, cadmium and mercury found in landfill. Along with this, electronic rubbish is growing at three times the rate of any other waste stream, where discarded devices are piling up around the world at 40 million per year. Since our warehouses are stocked with substantial amounts of devices, we have initiated a recycling program, where we dispose of all unwanted device equipment correctly, minimising our landfill contribution. We have extended this to our customers, encouraging them to return empty HP ink toners and cartridges to our in-house collection bin.
We can proudly admit that we have eradicated all plastic plates, and all other single-use plastics in the Metro Computers office. We actively reuse packaging or recycle when necessary and are committed to only growing our recyclable intake so customers can dispose of PC’s, printers and monitors. According to Waste Australia, 98% of the components in a computer can be fully recycled. Even if half of this amount was discarded responsibly, 23,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions would be saved.
In addition to our recycling efforts, we have invested in solar panels on all the buildings that house our device stock. In Australia, coal accounts for 75% of electricity generation. A coal power plant will release around 67,500 tonnes of emissions when producing 67,500 MWh, resulting to 25 times more than the total emissions produced by the 2-MW solar array.
Currently, we have installed 32 kilowatts of solar panels and expect this number to grow as we have plans to purchase more property over the years to come. Get in touch with our team to learn more.